Tuesday, February 28, 2012




PREDICTOLOGY is a term that will be used as a scientific,observation and analysis approach to the the term, activity and value of predicting.

Evaluating predictions, and weighing what happened or not is not the goal of predictology here, although in the course of the analysis this will occur as an observational point.
for predictions techniques, philosophy and point of views about forecasting and anticipations go  to:


According to western historical researches and observations, predicting was considered a main interest for humans in the ages where shamans and magicians were in control of tribes, ancient and lost civilizations.
All Mediterranean civilizations used predicting and forecasting to control the different aspects of daily life, wars, trading.
Egyptians,Phoenicians,Babylonians,Greeks, made predictions their daily concern.

1 - Where there would be gods there would be predictions.

But predicting and forecasting goes way back in time, to the times when the first humans  walked on this earth.
The prehistoric caves tells us the story of hunting scenes that were drawn before every hunting party to project it's success
Neolithic men build Dolmens to forecast the prosperity of their lands and to envision superpowers.

2- Even if there are no evidence of gods, nature is itself the source of previsions
This human activity ended in Europe and in the Mediterranean  on large scale with the end of the roman empire and the rising age of Christianity and then Islam.
We can observe this in the abolition of the Mayan civilisation  when the Spanish landed in latin america.
Mayans were forced by arms and death to renounce to their ancient believes.
Whole civilazations lost their know how.
Many practices and talents were inhibited,  becoming confined to a minority.

3- New civilisations abolish the know how and techniques of others
4- The change of civilization is not necessarily for better, it is only for power

Predicting became a personal indoor activity trough, Dreams explanations, coffee cup telling and other ways of future foreseeing.
While In other parts of the globe Predicting is still considered bounded to religions.
like in China, Japan, Korea, India.

5- Religions have affected predicting in history.

Than predicting became a personal art and was always considered as an illogical,unethical and irreligious way to live daily life, for life was begining to be controlled by two new major currents of powers: Religions and than science.
With the coming age of science they were considered illogical and nonsense.

6- Predictors with the rise of  new religions were considered heretics.
7- Predictors with the rise of science were considered nonsense.

But is this true?
Is predictions completely nonsense, illogical and heretic?

In our new civilizations forecasting the weather for one month with complete every day  details  is notconsidered predictions but rather technical forecast although it is not yet a complete science because it lacks many scientific facts.
Weather forecasting was the main job of predictors and shamans

8- Our new shamans are the Weather reporters

Political predicting is now an activity widely spread n media and is considered a technique to forecast elections and even wars.
Political and war predictions were the main job of  predictors in the ancient times.

9- Our new predictors are the political analyzers, tv presenters and journal writers.

Wars are conducted by the USA with predictions of winning. University doctors economics, politics, are playing a major role in Predicting contries would be a major power in one region and this is enough to put the US war machine in action.

10- Our new war predictors shrine are Universities.

Power countries like US, RUSSIA and now other countries like France, China, Iran, India are putting a huge amount of efforts and money in pursuing one predictive goal: the alienation of space for the sake of human being survival.
The universe is subject to our predictions even at the 21th century, but these predictions are the visions of powerful contries.

11- Power over the whole universe is still the source of predictions

Science-fiction books and movies are more than ever predicting the coming of new ages.
Many things are happening that science-fiction authors predicted, sometimes in details.

12- The power of predicting is not lost from the human brain. It is still a main natural brain activity.
Now it has taken the title of  Science-fiction.


In summary does predicting exist in the 21th century?
The answer is yes
Does predicting still affect people in their daily life?
The answer is definitely yes.

So then why not accepting  in  treat it and recognize it as one of the human values, a talent and a form of knowledge? 



Can predictions become a science?
Can logic be used in prediction?
Can maths be the basis of predictions?
Can scientific observations be counted as predictions?
Can history be the root of predicting?
Can philosophy explain predictions?
Can art be used to figure predictions?
Can human mind predict?
Can we use predictions in our daily life?


Can predictions become a science?
       - What is science,and it's definition?
Can logic be used in prediction?
       - What is logic?
Can maths be the basis of predictions?
       - Where math is used?
Can scientific observations and analysis be counted as predictions?
       -  Are really Observations and analysis are used in all fields?
Can history be the root of predicting ?
       -  What is time? Is history used to make future assertions?
Can philosophy explain predictions?
       - What is the role of philosophy in our existence now?
Can art and literature be used to figure predictions?
       - Arts and literature depict activities of nature and man and can turn them jnto fiction.What is fiction?
Can human imagination and mind predict?
     - It seems that human mind can do literally anything.Why not do predicting?
Can we use predictions to control our daily life?
    -  One of the dreams of man kind is to control his life for the better. why can't he do so? 

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